De kerk in puin

Een korte overdenking van 2 Timotheüs
Paulus’ laatste brief aan de kerk.

Clyde L. Pilkington Jr.


Allen, Stuart – Letters from prison, Berean Publishing Trust, 1965
Anderson, Sir Robert (1841-1918), The Buddha of Christendom, Hodder & Stoughton, 1899.
Arndt and Gingrich’s Greek-English Lexicon, University of Chicago Press, 1952.
Brogden, Chip, geciteerd in Bible Student’s Notebook, Vol. 7, no. 161.
Bullinger, E.W. (1837-1913), The Companion Bible, Kregel Publications.
Darby, J.N. (1800-1882), The Synopsis of the Books of the Bible, Bible Truth Depot
Gallentine, Duane, He Gave Gifts Unto Men, Bible Student’s Press.
Hole, F.B, Paul’s Epistles, Central Bible Hammond Trust
Knoch, A.E.,(1874-1965), The Problem of Evil, Concordant Publishing Concern 2008.
McCroskey, D.L.(1902-1991), II Timothy: The Divine Outline of World Apostasy, Last Day Messenger, Non-Dec., 1975.
Reynolds, Jr, Marion H. (1919-1997), Standing Alone, Foundation Magazine.
Scofield, C.I. (1843-1921), Scofield reference Bible, Oxford Press
Scofield, C.I. (1843-1921), The Scofield Bible Correspondence Course, Moody Bible Institute, 1960.
Stam, C.R. (1909-2003), The Pastoral Epistles, Berean Bible Society.
Strong, James. The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.
Thayer, Joseph H., Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament; Baker, Grand Rapids(1995)
Vincent, Martin R., Word Studies in the New Testament, 1886.
Welch, Charles (1888-1967), The Berean Expositor XXXI, Berean Publishing Trust.
Williams, George (1850-1928), Student’s Commentary on the Holy Scriptures; Kregel Publications.

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